Thursday, February 17, 2011

February Update Body and Meals

So here are the meals I've been eating lately.

Its pretty self explanatory. Just either chicken or fish like tuna/halibut. the veggies are various beans, chick peas, green peas, and sometimes rice.

This is an update on my body. Dont know how much i weigh now, but i feel "bigger" and stronger. Eating the meals aand drinking a gallon of water really helped. So thats it for now, not gonna update in a while with school and all, so yea... later.

Monday, February 7, 2011

18 woo hoo!!

just a quick update, so im 18 now WOOT WOOT! tim to get some booze and hoes!!! no im just kidding anyways, im sticking to my gameplan rite now, eating the chicken and veggies, but i took out the white rice. Been lifting pretty good, but my sleep has been affecteed because of the new semester. anywaysss i will post new meals and a body shot at the end of february.